We also have some new students and staffers joining us. Our new Medical Officer Anne Snieder is a doctor specialized in Global Health and Tropical Medicine from the Netherlands. With a lot of medical knowledge and previous experience in Tanzania, she is a very important addition to our team of clinicians both in the wards and in the operation theater. She will be focussing on education and teaching as well. Her partner Rowdy has joined her from the Netherlands. He has a background in agriculture and construction.

From the paediatric training programme we have received two new students: Jacob & Kaday. As this is their first internship they will stay with us for six months to gain experience in the paediatric ward and maternity ward. Also, we have a new surgical student, Mohamed. As a last year student, he already has quite some surgical skills, but he will finetune those and focus on expanding his clinical skills. Last but not least we are also hosting a new medical intern from the Netherlands: Patrick. He comes from the University of Groningen and stays with us for 8 weeks, rotating through all wards, before turning back to finish his studies in Medicine.