Lion Heart Medical Centre is one of the hospitals worldwide hosting Dutch doctors specializing in International Health and Tropical Medicine for a six month residency and a research project. While they learn a lot in our hospital, they also bring valuable experience and knowledge to our team. For the past six months Lotte Schoonhoven was a vital part of our clinical team on the wards, and she helped organize our training and outreach activities. Lotte has successfully finished her specialization and recently handed over her position in LHMC to her successor: Doctor Fenna Traa. The picture shows Fenna on the left and Lotte on her right.

ā€˜Hi everyone, my name is Fenna, and I will be at LHMC for six months as part of the final phase of my residency in International Health and Tropical Medicine. I’ve been here for six weeks now and the friendly staff of LHMC has given me a very warm welcome. I had never been to Sierra Leone before this residency so I don’t speak Krio yet, but I’m eager to learn the basics as soon as possible! For the past two years, I have focused on maternal and child health and I will continue developing myself in those areas next to the many other learning opportunities in the hospital. I’ve already learned a lot the past weeks and look forward to gaining more knowledge and skills. Lotte has already shown me around and provided many helpful tips to give me a running start, for which Iā€™m very grateful.ā€™