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Heleen Koudijs will leave the LHF Board per January 1 2025. With regret she concluded she could not combine her LHF activities with her personal and business life any longer and we shared this regret. She has served the hospital as Medical Superintendent (MS) for almost 2 years and subsequently she accepted the role as LHF board member. In this role she covered the area of medical affairs and organizational development for about 2½ years. In her role as MS she managed to raise the hospital to a higher level and as a board member she contributed to the actual and long term capabilities of LHMC. The LHF Board likes to thank Heleen very much and wishes her all the best in the future. Fortunately she will be available to support LHF incidentally as her heart stays committed to LHMC.

We are looking for a new member covering the medical area. We are happy to explore mutually if someone would be interested. We are looking for a medical doctor, preferably an AITG and ideally with experience in Africa. Obviously best would be experience in Sierra Leone and/or LHMC itself. Interest could be shared with reinier.hinse@gmail.com.