About half a year ago we closed the fundraising ‘Start them right’ with an amazing result. The aim of the fundraising project is to improve maternal and neonatal health in our catchment area. Over the past months, we have been working hard to reach this goal and we will continue to do so. For example, we bought maternal monitors, a neonatal resuscitation table, an extra incubator, blue light for the jaundiced children, milk for the neonates who don’t have availability to breastmilk, saturation machines and a lot more.

Moreover, a lot of investments have been made in teaching and training. Maternal and neonatal mortality meetings are highly attended and also the newly introduced maternity training was a huge success. Due to all of your donations we even still have spare budget to change the construction of the maternity ward, which is a very big relief to the nurses, midwives and doctors of LHMC. Lately, very often, women in labor exceed our capacity in laborroom. Therefore, women sometimes have to deliver in one of the patient rooms. To ensure fetal and maternal monitoring, however, it is important this does not need to happen. We are currently making a construction plan to increase the capacity of the laborroom and to rebuild one of the patient rooms into a special baby care unit. For a detailed preliminary project plan and outcome, we refer you to the website of Lion Heart Medical Center. To our donors: Thank you again for your support!

Click here for the Projectplan