Story of patient Sia Mattia

This is Sia Mattia, a 25-year old woman from a village in Kono District. One unfortunate day in June, Mattia was carrying food to the farm when a tree suddenly fell on the road where she was walking, right on top of her. Her left leg was completely cut off, the right lower leg severely…

Communication Crowdfunding

Lion Heart Medical Centre is on the way to become sustainable and completely run by Sierra Leoneans in 2026. Having a Media Team that is both local ànd professional is vital as they showcase the hospital to Sierra Leone and the world. Our newly established team consists of people who work in LHMC every day:…

Nursing Students

As a teaching hospital we work together with several universities and medical institutes in the country. One of our ambitions is to strengthen the Sierra Leonean health system as a whole by training our own staffers ànd providing many internship opportunities. At the moment we have the biggest batch of nursing students in the history…

Opening of the Patient Waiting House

Finally, the time had come for the opening of the Patient Waiting House! The construction started in early 2023, but was halted several times due to financial constraints. The communication officer of the Lion Heart Foundation in the Netherland Max Kooijmans had the honor of opening the building. The festive opening ceremony was well attended…

Maternity crowdfunding

About half a year ago we closed the fundraising ‘Start them right’ with an amazing result. The aim of the fundraising project is to improve maternal and neonatal health in our catchment area. Over the past months, we have been working hard to reach this goal and we will continue to do so. For example,…

New Resident Doctor from the Netherlands

Lion Heart Medical Centre is one of the hospitals worldwide hosting Dutch doctors specializing in International Health and Tropical Medicine for a six month residency and a research project. While they learn a lot in our hospital, they also bring valuable experience and knowledge to our team. For the past six months Lotte Schoonhoven was…

Support visit WACSI

Last month, we also had a Mobilising Support coaching visit by the West African Civil Society Institute (WACSI). Lion Heart Medical Centre was selected for their 2023 training programme, for which our nurse-in-charge of paediatric ward Abibatu went to Freetown last year. She developed a plan to reduce the child mortality rate due to malnutrition…

New Faces

We also have some new students and staffers joining us. Our new Medical Officer Anne Snieder is a doctor specialized in Global Health and Tropical Medicine from the Netherlands. With a lot of medical knowledge and previous experience in Tanzania, she is a very important addition to our team of clinicians both in the wards…

Donning & Doffing training

The Infection Prevention Committee (IPC) recently concluded the yearly practical training of both medical and non medical staffers of Lion Heart Medical Centre on Hand Hygiene, Waste Segregation, and Donning & Doffing. This means correct handwashing before and after every procedure, safe disposal of waste and how to put on and take off protective gear…

Nieuwe Medical Superintendent

Op 1 april 2024 is een belangrijke stap gezet in het transitieproces: Per genoemde datum heeft Elijah Charles de rol van Medical Superintendent (MS) op zich genomen. Elijah, Sierra Leoner, heeft de afgelopen twee jaar als Medical Officer in het ziekenhuis gewerkt, zodat hij al met de organisatie vertrouwd is. Samen met Yankuba Sesay, Hospital…